Survey Tool

More information coming soon.
Pathway to Zero

The approach, referred to as Pathways to Zero, is designed to support incremental home upgrades over multiple steps, in a coordinated way. The scheme enables delivery of a more comprehensive level of genuine zero carbon, typically for less cost, by supporting and aligning with the decarbonisation of the energy grids that will take place over the coming decades.
Installer and Commissioning Tool
More information coming soon.
Building Passport and Planned Maintenance Integration

More information coming soon.
Intelligent Energy System

The IES is intended to be a permanent / long term installation within the home, and it will be capable of being expanded to integrate new technologies that are not currently fitted within the home either as it is first installed, or through expandable components.
For example, an IES installation now would be able to be expanded to integrate a heat pump installed in future, even if the home doesn’t initially have one. The precise components to be installed initially within each Pathfinder home will be developed with the individual RSL to suit the home’s Whole Home Survey and Pathways to Zero.